Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Strongerthans (EDIT)

Half the time I can’t tell if I’m bitter,
Happy or nostalgic when what I’m really trying
To do is cross the finish line. Why haven’t
We talked exactly? I think I forgot,
I mean life gets so drastically dull with
Everything that needs done and then you shut
Down and shut people out, get anxious, but I don’t
Want to wait seven months to talk to you when you’re
Right there. And wow, I forgot how warm you are. I
Think I love you- no, that’s a lie, but I do like you a lot but why,
Why do we do this to ourselves? What exactly is this?
Why get so busy you get sick, then say you let life fall like
Puzzle pieces that get lost under a cheap maroon sofa and you freak
Out because you can’t get it back when
The obvious answer is to just move the stupid sofa,
We’re stronger than anyone’s willing to give us credit for.
And that’s really why I hate myself on Tuesdays even
When I used to love and stick up for them. Everyone
Has someone, so why can’t we be each other’s?
Just a few fearlessly falling feathers, floating,
Dancing, brushing, hugging, holding. Even on stupid Tuesdays.
So what I’m saying- I mean, what I’m asking is

I know we haven’t talked for a while, but can I kiss you?

1 comment:

  1. AH! So good! Thank you for telling me about this today, Mr. Marzipan!
